Dadaev Shirin Amanovich
Dadaev Shirin Amanovich, professor, doctor of medical Sciences. Since 01.09.1991 - Head of the Department of surgical diseases of Tashkent pediatric medical Institute

Yarashev Toyir Yarashevich
Surgeon, professor, MD. Graduated from CAMPI (Central Asian Pediatric Medical Institute) in 1973.

Tursumetov Abdusattor Abdumalikovich
Tursumetov Abdusattor Abdumalikovich - surgeon, doctor of medical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of surgical diseases and military field surgery of Tashkent pediatric medical Institute

Melnik Igor Vladimirovich
Surgeon, PhD in medicine. Graduated from Ternopol medical institute (Ukraine).

Akhmedov Akhmat Ibragimovich
Akhmedov Akhmat Ibragimovich - surgeon, assistant of the Department of surgical diseases and military field surgery of Tashkent pediatric medical Institute, head of surgical department of adult clinic of TashPMI

Isakov Shukhrat Shukurullaevich
Isakov Shukhrat Shukurullaevich - thoracic surgeon, assistant of the Department of surgical diseases and military field surgery of Tashkent pediatric medical Institute

Khamidova Shoira Shavkatovna
Khamidova Shoira Shavkatovna - urologist, pediatric surgeon, assistant of the Department of surgical diseases and military field surgery of Tashkent pediatric medical Institute

Rakhimov Oybek Umarovich
Rakhimov Oybek Umarovich - surgeon, assistant of the Department of surgical diseases and military field surgery of Tashkent pediatric medical Institute

Khasanov Sur`at Murodjanovich
Khasanov Sur`at Murodjanovich - surgeon, assistant of the Department of surgical diseases and military field surgery of Tashkent pediatric medical Institute

Djumanov Anvar Kutlimuratovich
Djumanov Anvar Kutlimuratovich - surgeon, assistant of the Department of surgical diseases and military field surgery of Tashkent pediatric medical Institute

Kutlimuratov Aydos Duysenbaevich
Kutlimuratov Aydos Duysenbaevich - Assistant of Surgical Diseases and military-field surgery Department